Jasa Merin
(Labuan) PLC
About Us
Jasa Merin (Labuan) PLC ("JML") owns and manage 4 Chemical and 2 Clean Petroleum Product ("CPP") tankers. These vessel are chartered to transport CPP or Chemical products to the Petro-chemical and Oleo-chemical industries.
Core Business
Jasa Merin (Labuan) PLC
Currently JML owns and manage 4 Chemical and 2 Clean Petroleum Product ("CPP") tankers. These vessel are chartered to transport CPP or Chemical products to the Petro-chemical and Oleo-chemical industries.
JML is responsible for the commercial management, asset integrity, and operations of the tankers. Our main business objective is to become a major player in the domestic and near coastal shipping for carriage of:
Clean Petroleum Product Carrier
Chemicals (e.g., MTBE, Paraxylene, Methanol)
Palm oil trading within Malaysia and South & East Asia countries.
Board of Directors
Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Ali
Mohd Noor Ismardi Idris
Kamarul Ariffin Mohd Jamil